

       现任中山大学附属第七医院副研究员,硕士生导师,中山大学“百人计划”引进人才。于2016年获得南方医科大学病理生理学专业博士。曾于2013-2017年在美国匹兹堡大学外科学系先后任Visiting ScholarResearch Associate,并于2017-2020年在美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学神经学系任博士后。目前主要研究方向包括:1.细胞外囊泡调控阿尔兹海默症的发生发展机制研究;2.神经退行性疾病中,细胞外囊泡与细胞死亡在其中发挥作用的分子机制研究;3.发掘以细胞外囊泡为载体的相关疾病的新型生物标记物。共发表SCI论文11篇,以(共同)第一作者发表SCI论文6篇,包括Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, Cell Death & Differentiation, Journal of Immunology等国际知名学术期刊。曾荣获国际细胞外囊泡协会2019年会的青年研究员奖(ISEV2019 Young Investigator Award)。








2017.112020.10Johns Hopkins UniversityPost-Doctoral Fellow      

2015.102017.10University of PittsburghResearch Associate        

2013.052015.09University of PittsburghVisiting Scholar          








1. Zhigang Li, Mohammed Moniruzzaman, Raha M. Dastgheyb, Seung-Wan Yoo, Meina Wang, Hongbo Hao, Jia Liu, Patrizia Casaccia, Carlos Nogueras-Ortiz, Dimitrios Kapogiannis, Barbara S. Slusher, Norman J. Haughey#. Astrocytes deliver CK1 to neurons via extracellular vesicles in response to inflammation promoting the translation and amyloidogenic processing of APP. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 2020; 10(2):e12035. [IF: 25.841]


2. Zhigang Li, Melanie J. Scott, Erica K. Fan, Yuehua Li, Jinghua Liu, Guozhi Xiao, Song Li, Timothy R. Billiar, Mark A. Wilson, Yong Jiang# and Jie Fan#. Tissue damage negatively regulates LPS-induced macrophage necroptosis. Cell Death & Differentiation. 2016 Sep 1;23(9):1428-47 [IF: 15.828]


3. Zhigang Li, Erica K. Fan, Jinghua Liu, Melanie J. Scott, Yuehua Li, Song Li, Wen Xie, Timothy R. Billiar, Mark A. Wilson, Yong Jiang, Ping Wang, and Jie Fan#. Cold-Inducible RNA-Binding Protein through TLR4 Signaling Induces Mitochondrial DNA Fragmentation and Regulates Macrophage Cell Death after Trauma. Cell Death & Disease. 2017 May 11;8(5):e2775. (2017) 8, e2775; doi:10.1038/cddis.2017.187 [IF: 8.469]


4. Zhigang Li*, Yang Jiao*, Erica K. Fan, Melanie J. Scott, Yuehua Li, Song Li, Timothy R. Billiar, Mark A. Wilson, Xueyin Shi#, and Jie Fan#. Aging-Impaired Filamentous Actin Polymerization Signaling Reduces Alveolar Macrophage Phagocytosis of Bacteria. The Journal of Immunology. 2017 Nov 1;199(9):3176-3186. [IF: 5.422] (*co-first author)


5. Yang Jiao*, Zhigang Li*, Patricia A. Loughran, Erica K. Fan, Melanie J. Scott, Yuehua Li, Timothy R. Billiar, Mark A. Wilson, Xueyin Shi#, and Jie Fan#. Frontline Science: Macrophage-derived exosomes promote neutrophil necroptosis following hemorrhagic shock. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 2018 Feb;103(2):175-183. [IF: 4.962] (*co-first author)


6. Zhigang Li, Melanie J. Scott, Tomasz Brzóska, Prithu Sundd, Yue-Hua Li, Timothy R. Billiar, Mark A. Wilson, Ping Wang, and Jie Fan#. Lung epithelial cell-derived IL-25 negatively regulates LPS-induced exosome release from macrophages. Military Medical Research. 2018 Jul 30;5(1):24. doi: 10.1186/s40779-018-0173-6. [IF: 3.329]


7. Yang Xie, Meishu Xu, Meihong Deng, Zhigang Li, Pengcheng Wang, Songrong Ren, Yan Guo, Xiaochao Ma, Jie Fan, Timothy R. Billiar, Wen Xie. Activation of Pregnane X Receptor Sensitizes Mice to Hemorrhagic Shock Induced Liver Injury. Hepatology. 2019 Sep;70(3):995-1010. doi: 10.1002/hep.30691.


8. Camilo Rojas, Michal Sala, Ajit G. Thomas, Amrita Datta Chaudhuri, Seung‐Wan Yoo, Zhigang Li, Ranjeet P. Dash, Rana Rais, Norman J. Haughey, Radim Nencka, Barbara Slusher. A novel and potent brain penetrant inhibitor of extracellular vesicle release. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2019 Oct;176(19):3857-3870. doi: 10.1111/bph.14789.


9. Xiaojuan Chai, Yan Guo, Mengxi Jiang, Bingfang Hu, Zhigang Li, Jie Fan, Meihong Deng, Timothy R. Billiar, Heidi Kucera, Nilesh W. Gaikwad, Meishu Xu, Peipei Lu, Jiong Yan, Haiyan Fu, Youhua Liu, Lushan Yu, Min Huang, Su Zeng, and Wen Xie. Oestrogen sulfotransferase ablation sensitizes mice to sepsis. Nature Communication. 2015 Aug 10;6:7979.



